Saturday, April 28, 2018

My Reflections from NCTM Annual 2018

I'll admit it: I have had some amazingly good and some amazingly "meh" experiences attending NCTM conferences in the past. It is a big investment of both time and money, and I sometimes felt as though I couldn't justify it based on what I felt I got out of the conference.

This year, however, that changed. This was, by far, the best NCTM conference I have attended, which has caused me to reflect on why. Here's what I have come up with so far:

1.  I put myself out there.

Tracy Zager put a call out for volunteers for NCTM Game Night and I responded saying I would be happy to help. In typical Tracy form, she was inclusive and thoughtful and started a Twitter group message involving those who voiced interest. I got to meet people from all over the U.S. and Canada, and felt part of the community that had previously felt a bit too exclusive to want to break into. I also volunteered at the #MTBoS booth one morning (more about that below).

I also made an effort to talk to people in every session, beyond the basic sharing of name/location/role, but asking real questions and having deep discussions about teaching and learning mathematics. What an opportunity that I have neglected to take advantage of in the past!

2. Twitter and all its magic.

Since my last #NCTMannual experience, I have become much more active on Twitter. This enabled me to choose sessions in a more informed manner (Have I already heard what this person has to say via social media? Is this someone I've only briefly encountered and want to know more?) and I also finally got to attend a session with Sara VanDerWerf, whose blog and energy have inspired me for years (her session did not disappoint).

I volunteered to work the #MTBoS booth and got to meet some amazing people, and also spread the word about how Twitter in general and #MTBoS specifically have helped me grow as an educator. SO many people said, "I don't have time for Twitter." This is such a common thing that I hear from colleagues, friends, and professional connections. Is this something you struggle with, too?

3.  I took time to reflect on my learning each day.

I wrote in a journal about the ideas that resonated with me and followed up with people's blogs and websites after hearing from them during sessions. This was a way to solidify some of the ideas I Tweeted about during the conference and marinate in them after the "conference high" to bring them back to my context.

I learned a lot at #NCTMannual, and one of the biggest takeaways is a set of strategies for making the most of conference experiences. Please comment with your ideas, too!

We are not martyrs. We are not trees.

I've had some travels in my teaching journey. I began working at a school I had done some of my college observations hours in and was he...